Tag Archives: World of Warcraft

How to use Google Goggles

23 Feb

Earlier this week a report began to circulate that Google, a tech company based in the Silicon Valley had created some magic glasses. Apparently, by looking into these “Google Goggles” you can uncover valuable information or “metadata” about the object you are looking at.

To get a sense for how these glasses will be used in our everyday lives, The Rooster went to the streets and asked 3 teenage boys.

Jason a handsome Mexican from Long Island, said, “The first thing I would do is have a nice long look at Stacy Holman’s boobs. There is so much I have always wanted to know about them.” By using this new Google device, Jason and his friends could know both Stacy’s cup size as well as where she bought her bra.

Tyler, from the Bronx had a more academic use for the goggles. He said, “I would wear them whenever I had to take a test.” It turns out, this would actually work! By simply staring at the answers or “tags” on a multiple choice exam, the glasses could retrieve available data about that person, place or thing on the web. In other words, there is no reason for a high school student to try and memorize anything ever again.

Finally we spoke to Gary. Gary “would use the glasses to destroy his friends at World of Warcraft.” His answer has little to do with the glasses themselves, but reminds us that at least 1 out of 3 High School boys is a fat nerd.

Guy’s what’s your favorite electronic device of all-time? Ladies what is your second (#1 choice is so obvious) favorite electronic device of all-time?